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Canadian Housing Starts Rise 16 In July 2024

Canadian Housing Starts Rise 16% in July 2024

Surge in Construction Activity

According to data released by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), the seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR) of total housing starts in Canada increased by 16% in July 2024, reaching 279,509 units.

This increase follows a 9% decline in May and a 16% increase in June.

Strong Performance in Multiple Unit Starts

The rise in housing starts was primarily driven by a surge in multiple unit starts, which increased by 22.6% in July.

Single-detached housing starts also saw a modest increase of 1.1%.

Contributing Factors

Analysts attribute the increase in housing starts to several factors, including:

  • Low interest rates
  • Strong population growth
  • Government incentives

Regional Variations

The increase in housing starts was not uniform across Canada, with some regions experiencing more significant growth than others.

The largest increases were seen in:

  • Toronto (+33.3%)
  • Vancouver (+27.8%)
  • Calgary (+26.7%)

Long-Term Outlook

While the recent increase in housing starts is positive news, experts caution that the long-term outlook for the housing market remains uncertain.

Factors such as rising interest rates, affordability concerns, and global economic conditions could impact future construction activity.


The 16% increase in housing starts in July 2024 indicates continued strength in the Canadian construction sector.

While regional variations exist, the overall trend suggests a positive outlook for the housing market, supported by factors such as low interest rates and population growth.

However, the long-term outlook remains uncertain, and ongoing monitoring of economic conditions and government policies is essential.

